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Semana Santa Photos:

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Holy Week in Zaragoza
Cofrades del Descendimiento (Semana Santa de Zaragoza, Aragón)

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Last supper in the sand.

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Semana Santa, Merida, Spain.
Holy Week Parade (Easter). The head covering you see in these pictures is called an antifaz (the piece of cloth covering the faces of nazarenos and penitents) and it's held together by the capirote (a cardboard cone inside the antifaz, keeping it upright on the head). The purpose is to keep the identity of sinners secret.

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Pictures of Festival- Semana Santa flower carpet,
Antigua, Guatemala.

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Semana Santa in Spain: Andalusia

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Semana Santa en sevilla ix
Easter is a combination of Semana Santa (Holy Week - Palm Sunday to Easter Saturday) and Pascua (Resurrection Sunday until the following Saturday).

This 2 week period is THE time of year for vacation (good time to not be on the highways - just stay put and enjoy the community of your choice during this holday season).

Semana Santa celebrates the last days of the Christ's life. Pascua is the celebration of the Christ's Resurrection. It is also the release from the sacrifices of Lent.

The Easter period is a religion of Christianity that celebrates the Passion - rise of Jesus Christ to Mount Calvary, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ for the salvation of humanity, for the redemption of the hands of the devil, and his transfer to the world of light, for the freedom of the children of God. Quando os fiéis são batizados , aplica-se a cada um deles os efeitos redentores da Morte e Ressurreição de Cristo. When believers are baptized, applies to each one the effects redemptive Death and Resurrection of Christ. Por isso, o cristão católico convicto celebra com alegria cada função litúrgica do Tríduo Pascal e da Páscoa . Therefore, the Christian Catholic convinced celebrated with joy each function liturgical of triduum Pascal and Easter.
In many communities, the full Passion Play is enacted from the Last Supper, the Betrayal, the Judgement, the Procession of the 12 Stations of the Cross, the Crucifixion and, finally, the Resurrection. In some communities, flagellation and/or real crucifixion is included. The enactments are often wonderously staged, costumed and acted, with participants preparing for their roles for nearly the full year leading up to Semana Santa.