Interesting Christmas verse gifts:

Joseph smith's photos and The Mormon plates given by Moroni

Portrait of Joseph smith studying book in colored art hq(hd) wallpaper
Portrait of Joseph smith studying book
Joseph Smith, Jr. (December 23, 1805 – June 27, 1844) was the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, also known as Mormonism, and an important religious and political figure during the 1830s and 1840s. In 1827, Smith began to gather a religious following after announcing that an angel had shown him a set of golden plates describing a visit of Jesus to the indigenous peoples of the Americas. In 1830, Smith published what he said was a translation of these plates as the Book of Mormon, and the same year he organized the Church of Christ.

Joseph smith black statue at a temple photo
Joseph smith black statue at a temple

Joseph smith with coart and book on hand pic
Joseph smith with coart and book on hand

spirit Moroni appeared to Smith three times while in bed and given golden plates picture
spirit Moroni appeared to Smith three times while in bed and given golden plates
On September 21, 1823, a spirit calling itself Moroni, appeared to Smith three times while in bed to tell him of God's commission to restore the "true" Gospel to the earth and also of some golden plates upon which was inscribed the history of people who had lived in the Americas previously. Smith was told where to find them but also that he could not obtain them yet. He must wait until of time of fulfillment, which was September 22, 1827.
LDS dsplay of Book of Joseph smith's Mormon plates Temple Square image
LDS dsplay of Book of Joseph smith's Mormon plates Temple Square